frank ocean and all black things that disappear on their own by Jonathan Jacob Moore

you deserve time

before the proverbial train hits

and the album drops


you both prepare for the reactions

molecular and digital:                                                 “where this nigga at”

he lived full and died empty.

and ain’t that what they say about you, frank?

you in hiding because the hook would Sodom and Gomorrah us?

some people practice becoming ash



                                                            we are in shock and              lost”


but you hate coming outside, sometimes, too… don’t you, frank?

and you write in a song you never wrote but i hear

you sing it

on the tracks or wherever you’ve taken up residence:

some days when my whole/body hurts/the biggest blessing/the sweetest curse


“So Much to say but not enough pen or paper”                 


                                                                                                                        or the blackest

thing is dying empty and being filled to the brim

you have no time to go ghost when you are               already            you get back in the

studio                               still translucent                        and you, get off the tracks

right before the album drops               right before your shot at acclaim.

and you could never get the ashes thing down.

you are heavy              all hook                       number-one-


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